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The Department of Public Works (PW) is responsible for the planning, construction, maintenance and implementation of Town of LaGrange infrastructure, specifically water, sewer and stormwater. The Department, also, ensures compliance in all phases of project development after Planning Board approval pertaining to infrastructure.

In regards to Town infrastructure, PW manages all water, sewer, stormwater, lighting and sidewalk special districts as well as new districts & district extensions. The Department oversees the Town’s operators, Environmental Consultants, and assists district residents with issues or concerns they may encounter. PW also is responsible for short and long term capital infrastructure planning to ensure compliance with Federal, State and County regulations. PW manages the current infrastructure to ensure it can meet or exceed its life expectancy and to anticipate future infrastructure needs.

Stormwater management and compliance with MS4 regulations is also under the jurisdiction of PW in conjunction with the Town Highway Superintendent. The Department regularly assists residents throughout the Town with drainage issues and assists with mitigation, in addition to management of stormwater special districts. The Administrator of PW is the Stormwater Management Officer for the Town, which entails enforcement of all NYSDEC MS4 requirements. PW is also responsible for the protection and compliance of all classified wetlands within the Town.


TOWN CENTER WATER IMPROVEMENT AREA 2:  We understand that you are still experiencing cloudy water.  The cloudiness is the result of air only – which dissipates when it sits.  The water is safe to consume – we are constantly monitoring the water to ensure that it is safe.  We understand that the cloudiness may make the water undesirable to consume in that state.  (Please consider filling a pitcher and allowing the air to dissipate in your fridge.)  We have discovered that the source of the air is from our 2 existing wells after we recognized that flushing was not alleviating the situation.  While the pumps are withdrawing water from the wells, they are also adding air to the supply.  We have been working on troubleshoot the issue and are hopeful to start up our 2 new wells next week while we continue to work on our existing wells.  We do apologize for the length of time it is taking to resolve the issue.  We have not been ignoring the situation.  Sincerely – thank you for your patience and cooperation! 


If you are experiencing any  other service problems please call 845-452-8562 or email  If you are experiencing an after-hours emergency – please contact H2O at 845-486-1030.


Due to covid delays, the Town has recently received approval for this project.  We are currently reevaluating the Engineer’s Cost Estimate since the economy  has significantly changed while we waited for approval from outside agencies.  If you  have any questions, please contact the Public Works office: or 845-452-8562.  Thank you for your patience and continued cooperation.


The following is a list of forms for permits required by the Department of Planning & Public Works:

Water Permit Application

Sewer Permit Application

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

Other Applications:

Please be aware that some applications are required to include all fees, plans, supporting documentation (as required by Town Code), executed Acknowledgment of Escrow Policy Form, and Environmental Assessment Form;  incomplete submissions will not be accepted.  Please click the following links for the Town’s Escrow Policy and Acknowledgement Form:


Dutchess County Parcel Access Link

Directions to find out what district you are in:

  1. Select “Town of LaGrange” at the top right-hand side of your screen;
  2. Enter the last 6 digits of your parcel number/hit the Owner tab and enter the property owner’s name/hit the address tab and enter the physical address of the property –  in the column to the right of the aerial map of Dutchess County.  Hit the ‘go’ button;
  3. Select your property in that same column;
  4. Select the “Full property card” option (in red) at the bottom of that column;
  5. Scroll down the pop-up screen to the bottom until you reach the “Special District Information;”
  6. The district(s) your property is in will be listed, as will the benefit units.

Do your part to keep our waterbodies clean!

keep out water clean art


keep out water clean art