Home » Committees » Conservation Advisory Council » Town Hall Rain Garden

Benefits of a Rain Garden:
Captures rain water
Reduces stormwater pollution
Attractive landscaping
Natural habitat for birds and butterflies
Recharges the ground water
The Town of LaGrange Conservation Advisory Council planted their garden in June 2007 as a representation of how a Rain Garden can enhance your property while helping the environment.
Location Location Location!
Your garden should:
Be flat or slightly sloped
- Be away from septic system, well, water supply or areas of standing water
- Be at least 10 feet from your house
- Be placed in full sun or partial shade
- How Big? Consider – size of drainage area, type of soil, depth of garden

Some tips
- Try to use native plants, they can handle our weather conditions better than most plants
- Choose plants that can handle moist & dry conditions
- Don’t forget to plant on your berms to retain the soil
- Use natural mulch (not dyed) to retain moisture, discourage weeds and help filter pollutants
- Monitor your rain garden to make sure it is functioning properly
- Consider placing an overflow pipe for heavy rainfalls
- Most are between 150 – 300 square feet

Sun loving rain garden plants used in the 10' x 13' bed
A – Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’ Maiden Grass
B – Myrica Pennsylvania Bayberry
C – Ilex vert. ‘Southern Gentleman’ Winterberry
D – Echinacea purpurea ‘ Rubinstern’
E – Clethra Alnifolia ‘ Hummingbird’
F – Liatris spicata ‘Floristan’
G – Anemone x hybrida ‘September Charm’
H – Monarda didyma ‘Petite Delight’
I – Sedum spectabile ‘Autumn Joy’ (‘Herbstfreude’)
J – Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Little Bunny’
K – Aster novae angliae ‘ Purple Dome’
- Alan Bell, Town Supervisor
- Kelly Tighe, Legislative Aide
- 120 Stringham Road LaGrangeville, NY 12540
- 845-452-9064
- 845-240-7004
For more information contact:
Town of LaGrange Conservation Advisory Council
Dutchess Co. Soil & Water Conservation District – (845) 677-8011 ext. 3
Cornell Cooperative Extension, Millbrook (845) 677-8223
Rain Garden Network
Wisconsin Rain Garden Manual
Virginia Rain Garden Information
Rain Gardens at University of Connecticut
Rutgers Rain Garden information
New Jersey Native Plant Society Rain Garden Information
Contributors to our Town Hall Rain Garden
Maung Htoo, Chairman, LaGrange CAC (Project initiation & coordination)
Dianne Olsen (design & supervision)
Dianne & Kevin Ferris
CAC members – Mary Gomez
Rolf Nijhuis, Nancy Swanson (planting);
Judy Wolf (maintenance & brochure)