All ZBA Applications and Fees are to be delivered to the ZBA Secretary, Regina Crawford.

The Zoning Board of Appeals hears and decides on appeals from and reviews any order, decision and determination made by the Zoning Administrator. The board is empowered to modify the strict requirements of zoning adding flexibility to land use regulations through the exercise of administrative discretion concerning the unique aspects of a given lot, home location, or project.

Zoning Board of Appeals Members are appointed by the Town Board for 5-year terms.

The board is empowered to modify the strict requirements of zoning adding flexibility to land use regulations through the exercise of administrative discretion concerning the unique aspects of a given lot, home location, or project.

Variances to zoning regulations are granted when exceptional or unique physical conditions create practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship depriving the owner of reasonable use of the land.

Authority is granted in Section 100-93 of the Town Code to interpret the Zoning regulations. In doing so, information is gathered and input accepted from the public and adjacent land owners to assure that providing relief to the hardship does not diminish the value of adjoining property, public health, safety or harmony with the surrounding community.

Regular Meeting Schedule:

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.(Effective March 2020)

Meetings are open to the public.

All meetings are held at:

Town Hall, 120 Stringham Road, LaGrangeville, NY 12540

  • Paul Horstmann- Chairman
  • Vacant- Member
  • Jared D’Aleo- Member
  • David Feinstein – Member
  • James Schafer – Member
  • Andrew Golding – Alt. Member



Meeting Minutes and Agendas