
Notice of School Tax Collection by School District:


Arlington Central School District

Millbrook Central School District

Wappingers Central School District


School Tax Inserts – PLEASE READ


Arlington CSD – All non-escrowed tax bills were mailed from our office on Friday, September 6, 2024.

Millbrook CSD – all non-escrowed tax bills were mailed from our office on Thursday, August 22, 2024.

Wappingers CSD – all non-escrowed tax bills were mailed from our office on Thursday, August 29, 2024. 


Effective Immediately, the Tax Office will close daily for lunch between the hours of 12:00pm and 1:00pm. We appreciate your understanding in this regard.


Please note, New Deputy Receiver: Sharon Beale (formerly the Deputy Town Clerk) has been appointed as the new Deputy Receiver of Taxes since Margaret (Schmitz) Montuori retired on July 30, 2024.  We wish them well in their new roles!


Satisfied Your Mortgage?

Changed your Mailing Address?

Please notify our office.


Selling Your Property, have Town Water/Sewer and your Closing is Scheduled? Order your Final Meter Reading by contacting H2O Innovation at 845-486-8955, 845-486-1030 or  by email at

The Receiver of Taxes collects Property Taxes (Town, County and Fire), School Taxes and Water/Sewer Payments for the Town of LaGrange residents only. 

We are open Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 8:30am to 4:00 pm (Please note, we are closed daily for lunch between 12:00pm – 1:00pm).

Property Taxes: 

All non-escrowed property tax bills are mailed early to mid-January. The property tax bill covers a period of January 1st – December 31st. 

Payments made on/or before February 28th/February 29th are penalty free. 

Payments due on a weekend or holiday are acceptable as timely the following business day. 

Standard Penalty Schedule:

March 1st through March 31st – 2%

April 1st through April 30th – 3%

May 1st through May 31st – 4%, plus a $2.00 Reminder Letter Processing Fee

Thereafter, the collection in this office closes with unpaid taxes turned over to the Dutchess County Commissioner of Finance (22 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, Telephone Number: 845-486-2025; email:

School Taxes: 

We collect for Arlington, Millbrook and Wappingers Central School Districts’ Taxes for the Town of LaGrange residents only. 

All non-escrowed school tax bills are mailed early September and cover a period of July 1st of the current year through June 30th of the following year. 

Due dates vary yearly, as they are set by each school district. 

After the 30-day penalty free period, there is a 2% penalty period until the collection ends in this office. 

Thereafter, unpaid school taxes are turned over to the Dutchess County Commission of Finance (22 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, Telephone Number 845-486-2025, email: for further collection until re-levied to the following property tax bill, with a 7% penalty on/or about December 1st. 

Water and Sewer:

H2O Innovation (formerly known as Environmental Consultants) prepares and mails quarterly water/sewer bills with a 30-day payment period.  

Late payments are assessed a 10% penalty.  

The Tax Office receives payments of the bill.  If paying by check, please make your check payable to the Town of LaGrange.

Billing questions should be addressed to H2O Innovation (formerly known as Environmental Consultants) at 845-486-1030 or 8955 or by emailing

Questions regarding payments should be addressed to the Tax Office at 845-452-1830 ext. 101 or ext. 127.

Unpaid water/sewer bills will be re-levied to the following property tax bill on/before October 15th of each year.

To Pay Taxes or Utility Bills Online, please click on the Xpress-pay it button below. Xpresspay button

For additional information, including the service fees associated with using Xpress-pay, please review “Can I Pay My Tax Bill or Utility Bill with a Credit Card or E-check (ACH)?” below.  

To view, print or check the payment status of Property or School Tax Bills for parcels within the Town of LaGrange, please visit the website:

Pursuant to the VP Branch Manager of our bank (Tompkins), we can not accept Third Party Checks as a form of payment for your School Taxes, Property Taxes and/or Water & Sewer accounts. Thank you for your understanding in this regard. 

Please take note that payments are deemed timely or late based on the postmark that appears on the payment envelope. A postmark dated the due date or earlier is acceptable as timely. An envelope received beyond the due date with no postmark or a postmark beyond the due date will result in a penalty. Not all envelopes receive postmarks, such as bulk mail (on-line payments from banks), metered mail, and mail processed by USPS equipment that does not carry a postmark. Lastly, we have begun to receive first class mail without postmarks as well.

The only way to ensure timely payments through the mail is to bring your envelope to the Post Office on time to have it hand cancelled at the counter by the postal clerk or Postmaster.  Please check the envelope to ensure the postmark is legible. Postal clerks often postmark over a stamp making the postmark illegible.

We do not accept postdated checks.  We are required by law to deposit all payments received within 24 hours.  Our bank will not accept a postdated check for deposit. You will be contacted by the telephone number you provided with your payment and asked to come in and correct the date of your check.  If we are unable to reach you, your postdated check will be returned to you by regular mail. 

Homeowner Protection Program (HOPP)

Since 2012, the Office of the New York State Attorney General and New York have dedicated over $150 million to fund a network of nearly 90 legal services and housing counseling organizations to provide homeowners with free, qualified mortgage-assistance relief services across the state.

The HOPP program is designed to ensure that no family in New York ever loses their home because they do not have access to a lawyer or qualified housing counselor.

Services include:

  • assistance with applying for a loan modification, or other types of loss mitigation
  • direct representation in court proceedings, including settlement conferences
  • home ownership counseling

To be connected with a legal services or housing-counseling organization near you, call 1-855-466-3456 or visit

Questions & Answers

Paying in person is not necessary.

Mail payments to the Receiver of Taxes, 120 Stringham Road, LaGrangeville, NY 12540.

Checks are payable to Joedy Kievit, Receiver of Taxes.

Certified checks are not necessary.

Please include your phone number on your check.

To ensure timely payment, I advise taking payments that are mailed, on or near the due date, to a U.S. Post Office for a hand-canceled postmark (See “Important Information about Postmarks” above for more information).


We are open 5 days a week:  Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm (except holidays & daily for lunch between 12:00pm – 1:00pm) for cash/check payments.

The U.S. Postal Service is open 6 days a week for mailing payments. (See “Read Important Information about Postmarks” above for more information).

Lastly, pay anytime through Xpress-pay with a credit/debit card or e-check (fees apply) by clicking “Pay Bill” in the heading above or by clicking the Xpress-pay Link in the column to the right.  (See “Can I Pay My Tax Bill or Utility Bill with a Credit Card or E-Check (ACH)” below for more information).

Please note, Tax and Utility payments are prohibited from being left on the premises when the Tax Office is closed.  Failure to comply will result in having your payment returned by regular mail.

The LaGrange Tax Office is pleased to provide 24/7, web-based, payment options through Xpress-pay.

You can access Xpress-pay from various locations on this website (Xpress-pay button above, clicking the link to the right and found on the home page). 

Xpress-pay securely accepts Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover and E-Checks (ACH).  

For your security, we no longer accept credit/debit card transactions in person or over the phone.  

The following service fees apply:  

Credit and Debit Cards – 3.15% + .40 per transaction

E-Checks (ACH) – $1.75 flat rate per transaction

Bounce Fee – $20.00 – In the event a payment is returned for any reason (insufficient funds, closed account or account not found) a bounce fee will be charged and the payment will be reversed. 

A bounce fee can be the result of an error made while entering your routing and/or account number which results in the payment not going through.

The receipt you received is a transactional receipt and not proof of payment.

The Tax Office does not have the authority to waive this fee. 

Yes, according to NYS Law, the Receiver of Taxes does not have the authority to waive a penalty. The Collecting Officer is responsible that no discretion is made in this regard.

Yes. View, print or check the payment status of the last two property tax bills or the most recent school tax bill at Infotaxonline.Com, updated daily.

Yes, you can now view and pay utility bills on line through Xpress-pay from this website.


Unfortunately, we are unable to process a combined payment that consists of a separate Water/Sewer Bill and a Tax Bill.

Please note, your Water & Sewer Bill is payable to the Town of LaGrange.

Your Tax Bill is payable to Joedy Kievit, Receiver of Taxes. 

Furthermore, if you own multiple properties in the Town of LaGrange that are located in different school districts (Arlington CSD, Millbrook CSD and/or Wappingers CSD), please do not combine these payments as well. (This only applies during the School Tax collection in the fall, not the Property Tax collection at the beginning of the year). 

Any combined payments received, as noted above, will be returned to you by regular mail. 

Joedy Kievit, Receiver of Taxes

Joedy Kievit, Receiver of Taxes

Tax Office Contact Information and important links