
Stewart’s Shops Corp has reapplied to the Town Board in 2023 for a rezoning of 3 contiguous parcels at the northeast corner of Route 55 and Route 82 for the purpose of building a Stewart’s Shop (convenience store) and self-service gas station.    The Town Board in 2021 had previously considered this rezoning for Stewart’s along with 16 other parcels along the Route 55 corridor.  The Town Board had a Draft Supplemental GEIS prepared that was circulated to Town of LaGrange Planning Board, Dutchess County Planning Department, NYS Department of Transportation, Dutchess County Clerk, Notice of Public Hearing was circulated to NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation-Taconic Region Technical Preservation Services Bureau, Regional State Park Commission-Taconic Region, Dutchess County Department of Public Works, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation-Region 3, US Army Corps of Engineers-NY District, Town of Wappinger Town Clerk, Town of East Fishkill Town Clerk, Town of Pleasant Valley Town Clerk, Town of Washington Town Clerk, Town of Union Vale Town Clerk, Town of Beekman Town Clerk, and Town of Poughkeepsie Town Clerk, and was accepted on April 28, 2021.  This resulted in the “Town of LaGrange 2005 Comprehensive Plan Amendment & Proposed Zoning Changes Final Supplemental GEIS” (General Environmental Impact Statement) which the Town Board accepted on November 3, 2021.  In summary that document took into account all public comments as well as the “Draft Supplemental GEIS and determined that “the Proposed Action would not significantly increase the intensity of uses, traffic, or other demands on municipal resources” and “areas of environmental concern, such as wetlands, the aquifer, or important habitat would not be impact(ed).”  If the Town Board approves the 2023 Stewart’s Shop rezoning request, the application then proceeds to the Planning Board for Site Plan and site specific SEQR (State Environmental Quality Review).

FACTS on Proposed Stewart's Shop Project

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What will the site consist of?

what parcels are affected?

3 parcels which are specific to the Stewart’s project which consists of a food mart business and fuel pumps.

is this spot zoning?

This is not considered spot zoning as the parcels are in a commercial corner and the proposed use is consistent with the existing surrounding businesses.

Environmental impact?

stewart's reply to public concern